Daily News Briefs, September 7, 2023

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West Virginia Turnpike Holiday Weekend Transactions Reported

The West Virginia Turnpike recorded more than 420,000 transactions over the Labor Day holiday weekend (Friday, September 1, to Monday, September 4), according to a news release from the operator, the West Virginia Parkways Authority. Chief executive Jeff Miller said the total was in line with projections and Friday was the highest-volume day, with 142,647 transactions.

West Virginia West Virginia Parkways Authority (West Virginia Turnpike)


AECOM Announces Changes In Canada And Australia Business Units Leadership

Troy Rudd, AECOM’s chief executive officer, announced yesterday that Richard Barrett, the firm’s regional chief executive in Australia and New Zealand, will succeed Marc Devlin as head of the firm’s Canada business on October 1. Mr. Devlin is retiring but will remain with AECOM in an advisory role. Taking over for Mr. Barrett in Australia and New Zealand will be Mark McManamny, who is being promoted from regional managing director for Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. Both Barrett and McManamny are long-term AECOM employees.

AECOM Appointments-Promotions-Retirements Australia Canada New Zealand


EPA Administrator Postpones Clean Air Standards Update

Associated Press reports, US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) chief Michael Regan has made a controversial decision to postpone an update of air quality standards on ground-level ozone (smog) for two years. Regan said, “I have decided that the best path forward is to initiate a new statutory review of the ozone (standard) and the underlying air quality criteria,’’ based on “several issues” raised by a scientific advisory panel, one of two that recently recommended lowering the current standards in the interest of public health. According to Associated Press, the decision “avoids an election year battle with industry groups and Republicans who have complained about what they consider overly intrusive EPA rules on power plants, refineries, automobiles and other polluters.”

More information about Regan’s decision and the review process is set out in a recent EPA news release.

Economic & Social Considerations Affecting Transportation Environmental Protection Policies Procedures And Initiatives US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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