Daily News Briefs, February 12, 2024

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New Yorkers Get A Brush Up On Congestion Pricing System And An Implementation Update

Daily News offers a primer on the expected structure of MTA’s Manhattan congestion pricing program, noting, “After all the years of discussion and the ongoing lawsuits over its implementation, New Yorkers should be forgiven if they’ve lost track of exactly how the MTA plans to make congestion pricing work.” In addition to providing basic information about the proposed toll rates and program structure, the article looks at the toll system apparatus and how it will monitor traffic entering and exiting the congestion zone. MTA officials tell Daily News the TransCore ETC system is now about 70 percent complete and work to-date has cost approximately $550 million “with the MTA authorizing additional payments to TransCore last fall.”

Congestion Pricing Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) New York New York City TransCore


Eno Webinar Will Explore New Ways Of Thinking About US Transportation

The Eno Center for Transportation will host a February 21, 2024, afternoon webinar titled “Shifting Gears: Toward a New Way of Thinking about Transportation.” The presenter, Susan Handy, Distinguished Professor of Environmental Science and Policy and Director of the National Center for Sustainable Transportation at the University of California, Davis, will discuss how ideas embedded in professional practice have shaped a US transportation system “in which most people are dependent on driving, with all the negative consequences that entails.” Her appraisal will also consider how professional thinking may be shifting. Registration for the free, 45-minute event moderated by Eno’s Andrea Hamre is provided online.

Dr. Handy explored the topic in the 2024 Thomas B. Deen Lecture she delivered during the Transportation Research Board’s annual meeting in January.

Economic & Social Considerations Affecting Transportation Eno Center for Transportation Transportation and Infrastructure Research & Development Transportation Research Board


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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