ViaPlus Delivers SRTA Customer Service And Transaction Processing Upgrades

The Peach Pass website and mobile app upgrades successfully launched ten days ago were delivered by ViaPlus as part of its project to implement a completely new customer service system for Georgia’s State Road And Tollway Authority (SRTA), operator of metro Atlanta’s extensive express lanes network.

The new system operates on ViaPlus’ Alpha™ back office, the scalable and cloud-enabled platform designed to process high-volume revenue transactions with advanced reporting capabilities. ViaPlus also delivered the new website and mobile app that enable SRTA users to benefit from expanded payment options and self-service account management features.

Faced with increasing traffic volumes and millions of free-flow ETC transactions, SRTA turned to ViaPlus last spring to design and deliver a comprehensive solution that the VINCI Highways subsidiary will also manage over its seven-year contract term.

Peach Pass account holders can pay Atlanta airport parking fees and the highway tolls charged in 18 US states, in addition to Atlanta express lane fees.

Kapsch Wins Contract To Deploy Multi-Lane Free Flow System In Norway

Vegfinans AS, a regional government company that operates many of Norway’s toll roads, awarded Kapsch TrafficCom a contract to deploy the Autopass Multi-Lane Free Flow tolling system on existing facilities and across previously untolled roads. Kapsch’s four-year framework contract has an estimated value of EUR 7.5 million (USD 7.75 million) with the potential to grow to an amount in the low double-digit millions.

The tolling system will be implemented on highways and cities across six counties. According to a Kapsch news release, the company’s tender process submission “particularly excelled in the areas of climate impact and system quality, reaching full points in those two areas. Out of a total of six bidders, Kapsch TrafficCom distinguished itself by its focus on quality of the offered solution and environmental responsibility, which includes selecting eco-friendly materials, implementing efficient maintenance practices, optimizing delivery methods, and ensuring the repair and recycling of hardware.”

Kapsch notes that Vegfinans is “the largest toll charger in Norway in terms of loan financing of road projects.”

Dan Isak Kveta, the Vegfinans Operations Manager, commented, “We look forward to developing a strong collaboration with Kapsch. Together, we will meet new operational requirements and ensure continuous development. We are confident that our new supplier will be a good partner who delivers quality and reliability, which will strengthen our common goal of accurate and secure toll collection.”