The Peach Pass website and mobile app upgrades successfully launched ten days ago were delivered by ViaPlus as part of its project to implement a completely new customer service system for Georgia’s State Road And Tollway Authority (SRTA), operator of metro Atlanta’s extensive express lanes network.
The new system operates on ViaPlus’ Alpha™ back office, the scalable and cloud-enabled platform designed to process high-volume revenue transactions with advanced reporting capabilities. ViaPlus also delivered the new website and mobile app that enable SRTA users to benefit from expanded payment options and self-service account management features.
Faced with increasing traffic volumes and millions of free-flow ETC transactions, SRTA turned to ViaPlus last spring to design and deliver a comprehensive solution that the VINCI Highways subsidiary will also manage over its seven-year contract term.
Peach Pass account holders can pay Atlanta airport parking fees and the highway tolls charged in 18 US states, in addition to Atlanta express lane fees.