Daily News Briefs, September 29, 2020

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SH 130 Toll Road Concession Expands Customer Rewards Program

The SH 130 Concession Company said it is expanding its Fly 130 Rewards Program, which gives an “extra perk” to current customers and incentives others to try the toll road as an alternative to toll-free I-35. “Beginning Sept. 28, participants can redeem points for a variety of items, including Apple AirPods, Google Home devices, Amazon Fire tablets, vacation packages and gift cards to many businesses. . . . Once enrolled, drivers accumulate points every time they pass an electronic gantry between Mustang Ridge, just south of Austin, and I-10 east of San Antonio. Traveling the full 41-mile length of the southern section of SH 130 earns 100 points.” (Link inserted by TRN.)

Austin (TX) Metro Area San Antonio TX Metro Region SH 130 Concession (TX) Texas Toll Payment Reward Programs TX State Highway 130


House Democrats Revise Their Proposal For New Round Of COVID-19 Fiscal Relief

The Hill reports that the scaled-back $2.2 trillion relief package proposal (dubbed “The Heroes Act”) still includes $436 billion in emergency aid for state and local governments.

Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) US Gov't Transportation Funding


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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