Daily News Briefs, September 14, 2023

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Kapsch’s NY Thruway Toll System Surpasses Billionth Transaction Mark

Kapsch TrafficCom is celebrating a milestone achievement: The successful processing of more than one billion transactions by the all-electronic, open-road collection system the company designed and installed, and now maintains for the New York Thruway Authority. The transactions, which exceeded a billion in less than three years, represent more than 17.4 billion vehicle-miles of travel and over $2.1 billion in toll revenue. Kapsch TrafficCom North America President JB Kendrick commented, “The dedication and precision with which this system operates are a testament to the [the company’s] innovation and expertise. Collaborating closely with the New York Thruway Authority, we have bolstered efficiency for all road users. This milestone underlines the importance and success of our efforts in providing robust and advanced tolling solutions.”

Elsewhere it’s reported that Kapsch TrafficCom will be an advisory industry partner and bronze-level sponsor at next week’s s 2023 study and information days event hosted by ASECAP, the European Association of Toll Road Infrastructure Operators, in Istanbul. According to Traffic Technology Today, Kapsch experts, including Richard Lax, Christoph Demuth and Lubor Lancos, will be program contributors. “The gathering will see figures from European Union institutions, ASECAP members, and various other participants converging to discuss pivotal subjects, including network efficiency and innovation. Together, they will explore preparations for credible decarbonization to meet the objectives of the EU Green Deal, the reinforced smart mobility strategy through the EU Climate Law, Fit for 55 in 2030, and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.”

AET (All-Electronic Tolling) ASECAP (European Association of Toll Road Infrastructure Operators) ETC Systems Kapsch New York New York State Thruway Authority Open-Road Tolling Transportation and Infrastructure Research & Development


DRJTBC Provides Video Documentation Of Major Toll Bridge Replacement Project

The Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission (DRJTBC) announced it has posted a video depicting the 2017 to 2022 execution of the Scudder Falls Bridge Replacement Project, which “Roads & Bridges” magazine named to its list of Top 10 Bridges for 2022. “The video includes footage of the former bridge’s traffic congestion issues, informational open houses the Commission held prior to construction, and early project preparations with the now-demolished former Scudder Falls Bridge in the background.” Excerpts of interviews with leaders of the project are included. DRJTBC noted, “A prior video highlighting the project’s major regional transportation improvements was posted earlier this year. . . . A unique aspect of this film is comparison footage of the former bridge carrying traffic during project construction and the new replacement bridge in service after the project reached its substantial completion milestone in late 2021.”

Delaware River Joint Toll Bridge Commission (DRJTBC) Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Maintenance Michael Baker International New Jersey Pennsylvania Public Outreach And Communication


California Governor May Veto Bill Requiring Human Controllers Aboard Autonomous Trucks

TechCrunch reports, “In a blow to the autonomous trucking industry, the California Senate passed a bill Monday [September 11] that requires a trained human safety operator to be present any time a self-driving, heavy-duty vehicle operates on public roads in the state. In effect, the bill bans driverless AV trucks. AB 316, which passed the Senate floor with 36 votes in favor and two against, still needs to be signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom before it becomes law.” The bill’s advocates maintain the human operator requirement ensures highway safety and preserves driver employment. Opponents say it undermines existing regulations, hinders vehicle and supply chain innovation, and “hamper[s] California’s economic competitiveness.” Newsom is likely to veto the bill based on his record of support for technology innovators and objections previously raised by one of his advisors.

California Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Self-Driving Vehicles


TRB Spotlights Resources For Building US Transportation Systems Resilience

A new Transportation Research Board blog post is a compendium of resources for enhancing the resilience of transportation agency operations and assets. TRB notes, “Environmental extremes [that] are contributing to weather-related damages, the unpredictable spread of infectious diseases, or disruptive cybersecurity breaches are all examples of why resilience is growing increasingly important. Regardless of what has prompted the need to change plans and priorities on a dime, the health and economic impacts in examples from just the past few years have been staggering and have shown us that it’s time to start thinking bigger. Resilience needs to be built into our transportation systems.” In addition to publishing information on risks and specific planning and preparation techniques, TRB hosts events where industry stakeholders can connect to share ideas and concerns. In mid-November, it will host the Transportation Resilience 2023 conference in DC, the focus of which will be extreme weather and climate change challenges.

Climate Change & Infrastructure Resilience Economic & Social Considerations Affecting Transportation Environmental Protection Policies Procedures And Initiatives Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Maintenance Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Transportation and Infrastructure Research & Development Transportation Research Board


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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