Daily News Briefs, November 30, 2023

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New York State Launches Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement Program

SILive.com reports, the New York State DOT and the New York Thruway Authority last week launched an automated speed detection and ticketing system in work zones on controlled access highways. A fleet of mobile units equipped with radar and camera equipment was first deployed November 20 in more than a dozen locations throughout the state, including places along I-84, I-87 and I-495. The SILive article has more information about the enforcement program’s operation and the tiered fines that range from $50 for a first violation to $100 for third and subsequent violations that occur within 18 months of an initial violation. Revenues will cover the cost of the program, with any excess receipts directed to work zone safety initiatives. The state post signs to notify drivers entering an enhanced enforcement area, and it lists a monitoring schedule on its Automated Work Zone Speed Enforcement Program website. (Associated websites provide work zone safety awareness information and allow cited motorists to pay fines online.)

In a pilot project lasting four construction seasons, the Pennsylvania Turnpike found that its use of mobile enforcement units reduced both speeding and crashes in work zones. Connecticut launched a related one-year pilot last spring, and Washington Governor Jay Inslee (D) last summer called for expanded deployment of roadside speed cameras following the enactment of authorizing legislation.

Automated Enforcement of Speed Limits Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Maintenance Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) New York New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) New York State Thruway Authority


GM, Citing Need To Rebuild Trust, Will Substantially Reduce Investment In Cruise AV Unit

San Francisco Chronicle reports, “General Motors plans to ‘substantially’ scale back investments into the company’s Cruise autonomous vehicle division next year, citing the crisis of confidence surrounding the safety of driverless cars. GM CEO Mary Barra said [yesterday] in a letter to investors that the company needed to ‘rebuild trust with regulators at the local, state and federal levels, as well as with the first responders and the communities in which Cruise will operate.’” She added that the company is still investigating the October incident in which a pedestrian struck by a car driver was then run over by an unmanned Cruise robotaxi. Barra’s letter “comes amid a broader fallout for Cruise. This month, the company’s former CEO, Kyle Vogt, resigned, pitching the company and the future of autonomous vehicles into deeper uncertainty.” San Francisco streets are Cruise’s primary testing grounds. A variety of traffic and safety problems involving robotaxis has strained the company’s relationship with City residents and officials.

California Cruise Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) San Francisco Bay Area (CA) Self-Driving Vehicles Transportation and Infrastructure Research & Development V2X and V2V Technology


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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