Daily News Briefs, April 1, 2024

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Will Big Federal Infrastructure Spending Deliver Equivalent Results?

The Christian Science Monitor reports, the surge in federal spending on transportation infrastructure is so great that it’s bound to leave its mark on the country. “As a share of gross domestic product, today’s effort is bigger than infrastructure spending under the New Deal and the most spent in the last half-century.” However, it’s an open question whether the nation will get the “once-in-a-generation results” promised by the Biden administration, lawmakers and some industry stakeholders. The article looks into the spending choices made to-date and potential innovations that could improve federal funding outcomes.
Infrastructure Investment Trends P3 & Privatization US Gov't Transportation Funding US Infrastructure Funding And Financing Initiatives


V2X Technologies Training For Transportation Professionals To Be Offered By USDOT

USDOT announced that its Intelligent Transportation Systems Joint Program Office (ITS JPO) is starting a program to help prepare the US transportation workforce for deployment of interoperable vehicle-to-everything (V2X) technologies. ITS JPO has developed and is about to launch free in-person introductory V2X training targeted at interested transportation professionals who are unfamiliar with V2X or who need to refresh their knowledge of key concepts. The curriculum includes components of the “V2X ecosystem,” potential benefits of the technology, available USDOT assistance and resources, and “example use cases and the messages and standards that support them while ensuring safety and privacy.” Participants don’t need prior V2X experience. The first four-hour training session will be held on April 25 during the ITS America Annual Meeting in Phoenix. Registration is online. ITS JPO is working with ITS America to deliver the training through ITS state chapters. Contact J.D. Schneeberger for information about training opportunities.

Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Intelligent Transportation Systems ITS America US Department of Transportation (USDOT) V2X and V2V Technology


Advances In Traffic Management Tech Will Help States Manage Eclipse Traffic

Forbes.com contributor Ed Garsten looks at how some states located in the “path of totality” of next Monday afternoon’s solar eclipse are preparing for a surge of highway travel. It’s projected this year’s phenomenon will draw many more witnesses than the five million people who traveled to observe the 2017 eclipse visible in parts of North America. According to Gersten, the common denominator in state planning “is the use of technology in conjunction with signage and increased law enforcement to help manage the expected deluge.”

Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Intelligent Traffic Management Systems Intelligent Transportation Systems


Washington Post Will Host Live Program On Key Bridge Collapse

The Washington Post hosts a “virtual program” on the collapse of the bridge tomorrow at 1:00 PM Eastern. The presenters — John Porcari, former White House port envoy and Maryland DOT secretary, and David Lynch, The Post’s global economics correspondent — will discuss the disaster’s impact on supply chains, the US economy and international trade. Questions will be accepted. Registration is online.

Economic & Social Considerations Affecting Transportation Francis Scott Key Toll Bridge Collapse and Replacement I-95 Maryland Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA)


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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