Rhode Island Attorney General: Truck Tolls Case Could End Up In US Supreme Court

WJAR reports, “A multi-year, multi-million-dollar lawsuit over Rhode Island’s truck tolls is now in the hands of an appellate court, after oral arguments before a panel of [federal] judges in Boston wrapped up last week. While a decision could be just months away, the real legal battle may just be beginning.” In a WJAR interview, Rhode Island Attorney General Peter Neronha said the significance of the issues at stake means an appeal to the US Supreme Court is possible whatever the outcome of the current proceeding. The governor and legislative leaders would have to approve a further appeal by Rhode Island. The question the panel of US First Circuit Court of Appeals judges is now reviewing is whether a trial court was correct in finding that the now-suspended truck toll system discriminated against out-of-state companies in violation of the US Constitution’s Commerce Clause. WJAR summarizes the oral arguments made by lawyers for both sides last week. It also notes that the state’s litigation costs already exceed $8.5 million. (TRN inserted a link in quoted text.)