Eric Kalivoda Will Replace Shawn Wilson As Louisiana Transportation Secretary reports, “Eric Kalivoda, a more than 30-year veteran of the [Louisiana] Department of Transportation and Development [DOTD], will spend at least the next 10 months as its new secretary.” Governor John Bel Edwards (D) yesterday named him to replace Shawn Wilson, who retires effective tomorrow and is expected to announce his candidacy for the Democratic nomination to replace the term-limited Edwards next year. The article states, “Kalivoda has been deputy secretary for the past 13 years and is a respected, no-nonsense leader who has experience with high-profile road and bridge projects and with appearing before legislative committees. Kalivoda said in an interview that he has said for months that he plans to retire around January 2024, that he intends to stick to that timetable and that it has nothing to do with whether Wilson is elected governor.”

Governor Edwards issued a news release in which he said, “I want to thank Dr. Kalivoda for his willingness to fill this role. Under the leadership of Dr. Shawn Wilson, DOTD has had historic success, and I know that will continue under Dr. Kalivoda.”