Kapsch TrafficCom announced it will provide Seville with a Mobility Data Platform (MDP) to improve all means of transportation for the metro area’s 1.5 million residents and help the Spanish city achieve sustainable development goals. The platform will receive and process data from hundreds of sensors, cameras and traffic systems, and output real-time diagnostic and predictive analytics to help city officials manage traffic flow, public transit service and parking information. Since data on temperature, air quality, emission levels and noise pollution will be integrated into MDP, it will also serve authorities responsible for monitoring and acting on environmental and public health conditions. Carolin Treichl, a Kapsch executive vice president, commented, “Dynamic public transport regulation and congestion prediction are just a part of [MDP’s] capabilities. . . . [W]e are enabling Seville to better guide mobility within the city and react to different events quicker and more accurately.”