IBTTA’s 2023 officers, elected last September, recently started their one-year terms. The association’s new president is Andrew Fremier, PE, Deputy Executive Director of the Bay Area Toll Authority and Deputy Executive Director, Operations, of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission. Serving as first vice president is Bill M. Halkias, PE, president emeritus of HELLASTRON, the association of Greek motorways and tollways, and immediate past president of the International Road Federation. Second vice president is James Hofmann, Executive Director/CEO of the North Texas Tollway Authority. IBTTA’s international vice president is Christophe Boutin, Executive Director of ASFA, the association of France’s motorway companies. Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti, New Jersey DOT Commissioner and chair of the New Jersey Turnpike Authority, the South Jersey Transportation Authority and NJ TRANSIT became immediate past president. Serving with the officers on the association’s board of directors are Amanda Baxter, a senior vice president at Transurban North America; Jeffrey Miller, Executive Director, West Virginia Parkways Authority; María Moreno, a SEOPAN official; René Moser, an ASFINAG official; Lori Silveira, Executive Director, Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority; and Tim Sturick, Executive Director, Thousand Islands Bridge Authority.