The Tampa Hillsborough Expressway Authority (THEA) (scroll down to “Media Alerts”) announced the conclusion of its innovative seven-year pilot program testing full-scale operation of connected vehicle devices on Tampa roadways, including the Selmon Expressway. The program started in 2015 when USDOT designated THEA as one of three agencies to deploy and test connected vehicle devices installed on transportation infrastructure and in transit vehicles and the private vehicles of 1,100 volunteers. Initial successes led USDOT to authorize a final phase of testing in which THEA collaborated with vehicle manufacturers Honda, Hyundai and Toyota. The $27 million pilot was the only one in the country to implement real-time, vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications and to produce real-time data. THEA notes that its tests yielded “a massive amount of open shared data that can be used to help spur private/public collaborations, eventually resulting in better driving conditions.”
More information about the pilot program and its results is available on a THEA website.