Ferrovial Report Analyzes Economic Impacts Of 21 Cintra Toll Facilities

Ferrovial released the report of an economic analysis of 21 highway and managed lanes assets in the portfolio of the company’s Cintra subsidiary. The assessment, commissioned by Ferrovial from the Steer Davies & Gleave consulting firm, focuses on “understanding how each project generates socio-economic value to travelers, regions, and economies,” and “understanding how expenditure on these assets generates impacts to employment and gross domestic product.” According to Ferrovial’s news release, the report concludes that the 21 facilities “generated a total GDP impact of $60.8 billion in [nine nations] up to the survey cut-off date, December 31, 2021. The Quadriga Report also reveals that construction, maintenance and management of the roads created 334,000 jobs.” Ferrovial highlights other findings: that travelers saved time and had a lower risk of involvement in crashes when they used the Cintra toll facilities, and that Cintra’s economic impact is particularly strong in North American markets. (Eight of the 21 facilities studied are located in the US and Canada).

Ferrovial has created a web page spotlighting the results of the Steer analysis.