reports, 51 percent of the respondents to a new poll support the concept of building a trucks-only I-10 toll bridge in Mobile, Alabama, while just 26 percent are opposed and 24 percent are undecided. The poll results also show strong support for the congestion relief and economic development goals of the bridge plan. Coastal Alabama Partnership, a non-profit that organizes support for regional development initiatives such as I-10 corridor improvement, conducted the poll.
“Land Line” Magazine reports on the bridge proposal and initial reaction to it by the Alabama Trucking Association.
Unidentified supporters of the truck bridge plan have created a website that touts its potential to “take large trucks out of the Wallace Tunnel, decreasing average passenger car delays by approximately 60 to 90 minutes during peak times.” (The tunnel carries I-10 through downtown Mobile to the viaducts crossing Mobile Bay.)