Push to Return Two-Way Tolling to Verrazano-Narrows Bridge Gains Traction

SILive.com reports, “As the MTA rolls out its cashless toll system, some New Yorkers are pushing the return of a two-way toll on the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, hoping it will divert traffic from their neighborhoods. Community Board 6 in Brooklyn penned a letter to Gov. Andrew Cuomo last month, asking to bring back the two-way vehicle fee, giving trucks less of an incentive to take the free bridge to Brooklyn.” However, since any change will require congressional action, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-Manhattan) is also involved, and he needs the support of fellow lawmaker Daniel Donovan (R-Staten Island). “Donovan said he won’t support the idea until it’s clear it would help, not hurt traffic,” according to SILive.