NY Times Visits Breezewood, PA, a Town “At the Junction of Politics and Policy”

The New York Times visits the “notorious choke point” of Breezewood, where I-70 and the PA Turnpike come together, but, well, don’t, because “no ramps join these two huge highways at their crossing. Instead, drivers travel an extra two-mile loop that brings them out of rural Appalachia and into several suddenly urban blocks with traffic lights and a dense bazaar of gas stations, fast food restaurants and motels.” As to why, The Times explains, “The answer lies at the intersection of politics and transportation policy. At a time when President Trump wants to spend a trillion dollars on infrastructure, the story of Breezewood offers a vivid case study in governance over such projects. It shows how legal quirks, powerful politicians and opaque bureaucratic procedures can influence decisions about how to spend taxpayer dollars.”