Bond Buyer: Trump Needs Tolls to Implement His P3-Centered Infrastructure Plan

The Bond Buyer offers a mostly positive outlook in an article on expanded tolling of existing US interstate highways, leading with the premise, “Tolls on interstate highways are the only way to provide the revenue stream needed to attract the level of private investment in transportation projects envisioned in President-elect Donald Trump’s 10-year, $1 trillion infrastructure proposal, according to industry experts.” The report also looks at the political acceptability of increased tolling, and notes that Texas anti-toll crusader Terri Hall believes Trump’s private investment approach to highway development is “a slap in the face” to his supporters. She adds, it’s “a mystery to us and a big betrayal of the working class voters who supported him. There’s going to be a huge backlash if Congress goes along with this.” A slide deck linked to the article summarizes the conflicting viewpoints on tolling held by various stakeholders.