Decision Whether to Continue WV Turnpike Tolls Hoped for Early in Governor-Elect Justice’s Term

West Virginia MetroNews reports, “Some time during the first year of Governor-elect Jim Justice’s term in office there could be a decision about the future of tolling on the West Virginia Turnpike. The bonds financed by the tolls will be paid off in 2019. Some are calling for the tolls to be eliminated while others say the state can’t afford it. West Virginia Parkways Authority General Manager Greg Barr hopes the decision comes sooner than later for the sake of Turnpike workers. ‘We have a lot of employees and it’s tough not knowing what your future is and they are raising families and have kids ready to go to college and it would be nice if they knew they were going to have a job after 2019,’ Barr said.” He added that he does not know which way Justice is leaning on the tolling issue.