Indiana Lawmakers Likely to Consider Gas Tax, Tolling and RUC Next Year

The Times of Northwest Indiana reports, “The dilemma of how to fund Indiana’s roads and bridges for the next quarter century is likely to come down to whether anti-tax Senate Republicans can be persuaded the return on investment is worth making Hoosiers pay slightly more. At the center of that debate when the Legislature begins working in January will be state Sen. Mike Crider, R-Greenfield, who this week was appointed chairman of the Senate’s transportation committee.” [Link added.] The report notes that a legislative committee will issue funding recommendations early next month, and State Representative Tim Brown (R-Crawfordsville) tells the newspaper that “the recommendations will be diverse and likely to include a gas tax hike, automatic gas tax increases for inflation, more use of general state revenue, tolling and, someday, replacing the gas tax with a per-mile charge.”