Canada’s Debate Over Private Infrastructure Investment Heats Up as One Lawmaker Calls the Opposition “Short-Sighted, Stupid and Irresponsible.” (Otherwise, It’s All Good.)

The Canadian Press reports, “One of the architects of the Liberals’ proposed infrastructure bank says opposition to the idea is short-sighted, stupid and irresponsible. Liberal MP Adam Vaughan, parliamentary secretary to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, says the whole idea of the bank is to make it possible for municipalities to leverage private sector cash to fund crucial projects that would otherwise be unaffordable.” The wire service adds, “Vaughan’s characterization of opposition to the infrastructure bank infuriated New Democrats, who demanded that the government denounce his ‘disrespectful’ statements. ‘Canadians who are concerned about tolls and user fees, he’s calling them stupid,’ NDP MP Rachel Blaney told the House of Commons on [November 17]. ‘Canadians who understand that private investors will only invest if they see a return, he’s calling them stupid.’”