Bridgegate: Christie Gets New Criminal Court Date and Another State-Paid Lawyer reports, “Gov. Chris Christie won’t have to answer to charges from a citizen’s complaint in the George Washington Bridge scandal until next year, according to court records. A Superior Court judge on Monday ordered the governor’s scheduled November 23 appearance adjourned until other matters [Christie’s appeal alleging a lack of probable cause and the request for appointment of a special prosecutor] are resolved in the case stemming from a New Jersey man’s official misconduct complaint against the governor for failing to stop the plot to shut down access lanes in Fort Lee.”

WNYC News reports, “New Jersey taxpayers just hired another lawyer for their governor. Gov. Chris Christie, who has already charged New Jersey $11.3 million for attorneys to represent his office in the federal Bridgegate investigation, has added legal representation for a related state criminal matter.” The report adds, “Craig Carpenito is earning $150-an-hour to defend Christie from a criminal complaint filed by a local activist in Bergen County.” The fee is capped at $10,000.