Bridgegate: Cuomo Denies Any Involvement, Witness Says State Office Became a “Virtual Arm” of Christie Reelection Campaign

New York Daily News reports, “Gov. Cuomo said Wednesday [October 5] that attempts to link him to the Fort Lee traffic scandal are a bridge to nowhere. ‘I don’t know who raised it last year but the same gossip was spread last year,’ Cuomo said in response to testimony that he and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie concocted a scheme to cover up the Bridgegate debacle. ‘It didn’t happen.’” reports that the Christie administration’s Office of Intergovernmental Affairs became “a virtual arm of the [Christie reelection] campaign, using public resources to help convince Democratic officials to endorse the governor,” according to a former staffer’s trial testimony. The report adds that Christopher Stark “talked about an operation within the governor’s office that sought to build relationships with agreeable Democrats with free passes to the governor’s box at MetLife Stadium for Giants and Jets games; tickets to the Prudential Center for Devils NHL games and Seton Hall basketball; breakfasts and dinners with the governor at Drumthwacket, and exclusive access to Ground Zero.”