Osceola County Expressway Authority Reports on Initial Poinciana Parkway Revenue

Osceola News-Gazette reports, “The Osceola County Expressway Authority recently made history. For the first time in its six-year history, OCX reported income it generated itself and not from state or federal transportation grants. With the northern segment of the Poinciana Parkway open and collecting a $1.75 toll north of Marigold Avenue as of June 1, the county’s toll-road authority announced it collected $157,745 in revenues during June.” [Link added.] The report adds, “AECOM Project Manager Jan Everett reported traffic counts of over 5,000 on weekdays, with a high of 6,200 on Aug. 12. The number on Aug. 15, the first day of school in Osceola County, was 5,738, the highest number on a Monday since collections began.”