SH 130: Operations & Maintenance Services for Back Office System

RFP for Back Office System Operations and Maintenance Services for SH 130 Concession Company, LLC

Issue Date: March 9, 2017

SH 130 Concession Company, LLC is requesting proposals from qualified contractors to provide Operations and Maintenance Services (“O&M”) for an existing Back Office System (“BOS”). The Scope includes providing the services as defined in this RFP and required to maintain, repair, and enhance the existing software, hardware, and network assets that comprise the BOS.

The BOS collects data from the roadside toll collection system, prepares and then communicates transactions to the Texas Department of Transportation in accordance with the terms of the Facility Concession Agreement with the Texas Department of Transportation.

SH 130 Concession Company, LLC is releasing this RFP to enter a new contract with a BOS O&M contractor to begin on or before June 1, 2017.

The procurement schedule:

  • Issue RFP: March 9, 2017
  • Last Day to Submit Questions: April 5, 2017
  • Q&A Responses: April 12, 2017
  • Proposals Due: April 21, 2017 5:00 p.m. CDT
  • Onsite Interviews (optional): May 2, 2017 and May 4, 2017
  • Selection: May 9, 2017

Click here for the Request for Proposals.

Interested contractors who have reviewed the RFP and would like to receive supplemental documents must first contact SH 130 Concession Company, LLC by email to receive a Non-Disclosure Agreement; this is due to the confidential nature of the technical material provided in the supplemental documents. Once SH 130 Concession Company, LLC receives the Non-Disclosure Agreement executed by the contractor, it will provide additional forms, attachments, and appendices by email.

Any questions may be directed to