Daily News Briefs, September 22, 2020

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Bestpass Reimagines Its Website And Releases New White Paper

Bestpass, the the payment platform provider that specializes in providing commercial fleet toll management solutions, announced that the new bestpass.com website incorporates a streamlined sign-up process for owner-operators, as well as additional information resources for commercial fleets. The company’s latest white paper, “Toll Management: Why Transponders Still Matter in a License Plate World,” is currently available on the new website. It explains how fleets — especially those with a national footprint — “can benefit from strategically deploying transponders by being able to optimize the operational cost of using toll roads, by accessing as many discounts as possible, and by receiving toll transactions more quickly.”

AET (All-Electronic Tolling) Bestpass ETC Systems Interoperability


Another Tropical Storm Is Inundating Houston Highways

Courthouse News Service reports, “Houstonians awoke [this morning] to pouring rain and flooded freeways from Tropical Storm Beta after it made landfall late Monday 100 miles northeast of Corpus Christi with 45 mph winds. It is the ninth named storm to reach the U.S. mainland this year, tying a record set in 1916.” According to the report, SH 288 is already flooded and a total of 15 inches of rain is expected to fall in parts of southeast Texas before the storm moves into Arkansas.

KPRC lists the Harris County streets and highways prone to flooding during major storm events.

Harris County Toll Road Authority (HCTRA) Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Houston Metro Area Texas


TCA Kicks Off Cattle Grazing Pilot In Conservation Area

The Transportation Corridor Agencies approved negotiation of a three-year agreement with an Orange County cattle ranch to determine whether its 23.2-acre Live Oak Plaza Conservation Area near the 241 Toll Road can be maintained through “conservation grazing.” 5 Bar Beef will provide the cattle, water, additional feed and other necessities for the project. A TCA news release notes, “Grazing is used as a means to restore native vegetation while mitigating the risk of wildfires through the removal of non-native grasses and plants. Not only is grazing a natural alternative to using harsh chemicals to maintain the land, it is also more financially prudent.”

California Environmental Protection Policies Procedures And Initiatives Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Maintenance Transportation Corridor Agencies (CA)


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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