- Op-Ed: Georgia Express Lanes Use Refutes the "Lexus Lanes" Canard
- NYC Official Hails the Results of 14th Street "Busway" Experiment
- These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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Op-Ed: Georgia Express Lanes Use Refutes the "Lexus Lanes" Canard
In The Alma Times, op-ed columnist, Kyle Wingfield, CEO of the Georgia Public Policy Foundation think tank writes, “The new express tollways in metro Atlanta, once derided as ‘Lexus lanes’ intended only for a fortunate few, are proving quite popular. So popular, in fact, that a mere hint of doubt recently about plans to build more was enough to prompt a public outcry.” Wingfield adds, “It’s not only metro Atlanta that likes the lanes. Plenty of Georgians who travel to or through the metro area,” including Wingfield himself, “have slapped a Peach Pass on their vehicles’ windshields. . . . Far from favoring ‘the rich,’ the lanes can be a lifesaver for the plumber trying to reach an emergency job during rush hour, or a parent racing to pick up the kids from daycare on time and avoid a late charge. They also yield benefits for those who don’t pay. . . .” Wingfield also suggests that the decision to reschedule some proposed express lanes projects may prove beneficial in that it allows GDOT time to explore public-private partnership financing opportunities. (Link inserted in quoted text.)
Atlanta (GA) Metro Region Express Lanes Georgia Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT)NYC Official Hails the Results of 14th Street "Busway" Experiment
Streetsblog NYC reports, Neew York City Council Speaker Corey Johnson, “who admits freely that he was once a skeptic of the city’s plans for a car-free ‘busway’ on 14th Street, is now such an unabashed fan of the project that he wants to see more of them across many ‘major thoroughfares.’ Speaking on WNYC on Monday morning, Johnson called the 14th Street busway ‘exciting,’ and added,’We should look at it on 34th Street, on 42nd Street, on these major thoroughfares.’” Johnson added that he’s a believer in the theory some have called “reduced demand,” which is an inverse corollary of “induced demand.”
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) New York New York CityThese are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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