Daily News Briefs, March 30, 2023

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Oklahoma Turnpike Issues RFP For Debt Collection Services

The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA) announced the issuance of an RFP to solicit competitive proposals for debt collection services to allow OTA to maximize the collection of delinquent payments of toll revenue from PIKEPASS and PlatePay customers, as well as the recovery of civil penalties resulting from Toll Evasion Violations. A mandatory pre-proposal meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 6 (via Zoom), and the due date for responses is Wednesday, May 3. The RFP documentation and additional details are available via CivCastUSA.com.

ETC Systems Oklahoma Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA) PIKEPASS Procurement of Tolling Equipment & Services Scofflaws


Work Resumes On Long-Delayed Southern Border Bridge Widening Project

The Big Bend Sentinel reports, a protracted and baffling delay in completion of a Presidio International Bridge widening project has finally ended as work toward a projected September 5 completion recently got underway. Although COVID-19 interrupted the initial work, Mexico managed to finish its half of the project in 2020. The Texas part languished, however, without the bridge owner, TxDOT, offering a clear explanation of the cause. Presidio County, Texas, officials, concerned about significant traffic backups at the border crossing, welcomed the resumption of work. They recently proposed transferring control of the bridge to an independent port authority with the power to collect tolls for the maintenance and operation of the bridge. In a previous report on the proposal, the newspaper noted that Mexican authorities currently charge US-bound travelers a “modest fee” to cross the bridge, but TxDOT imposes no toll.

More information about the expansion project (ID #010410006) can be found through the TxDOT project tracker app.

Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Mexico Presidio International Bridge (TX) Texas Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)


Connecticut Pilot Will Place Speed Enforcement Cameras In Highway Work Zones

News 12 Connecticut reports, in two weeks, Connecticut DOT will launch a one-year pilot program for the deployment of automated speed monitoring cameras in highway work zones. The state legislature is currently considering an expansion of the initiative, which aims to reduce speeding and prevent crashes that create the risk of death or injury for workers. Speeders will receive a warning upon the first offense and incur a $75 fine for a subsequent violation.

In a related development, the Transportation Research Board has updated and published a comprehensive collection of resources on work zone safety.

Automated Enforcement of Speed Limits Connecticut Connecticut Department of Transportation (CDOT) Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Maintenance Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Transportation and Infrastructure Research & Development Transportation Research Board


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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