- Report: Despite COVID-19 Repercussions, OCTA And TCA Finances Are Sound
- Editorial: If It's Done Right, Tolling Makes Sense For Kenya
- These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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Report: Despite COVID-19 Repercussions, OCTA And TCA Finances Are Sound
The Orange County Register reports, “Orange County’s transportation agencies are in good shape, officials said, to manage the financial fallout of the coronavirus, despite expecting to receive hundreds of millions less in revenue than planned for before the pandemic hit.” The article looks at the current financial status of the Orange County Transportation Authority and the Transportation Corridor Agencies, and describes measures both entities implemented to weather COVID-19’s epidemic disruptions.
California Company and Agency Financial Issues And Reports Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Orange County Transportation Authority (CA) Transportation Corridor Agencies (CA)Editorial: If It's Done Right, Tolling Makes Sense For Kenya
The Star (Kenya) editorial board notes that opposition is growing to the government’s plan to relaunch highway tolling, which it abandoned in the 1990s in favor of fuel taxation. (The new tolls would finance P3 projects for expanding the country’s highway network.) However, the editors suggest tolling makes sense, provided it’s conducted electronically, the P3 projects are properly vetted and motorists can choose to travel on non-tolled travel routes.
Infrastructure Investment Trends Kenya P3 & PrivatizationThese are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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