Daily News Briefs, June 10, 2021

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With Gordie Howe Bridge Construction Well Underway, Authority Chair Says He'll Step Down

Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority (WDBA) chairman Dwight Duncan recently announced that he will not seek reappointment when his term expires later this year. WDBA is the Crown corporation responsible to Canada’s government for delivering the Gordie Howe Bridge construction project. “I look forward to working with the new Chair, once appointed, to ensure a smooth transition and continue to move this incredibly important project forward toward a successful completion,” Duncan stated. He added that the WDBA team led by CEO Bryce Phillips “is well positioned to oversee the completion and transition to the operations phase of this vital project.”

WDIV posts a drone video showing the progress of bridge construction. “Nothing has really slowed us down, even with the pandemic. We’ve been able to meet our goals,” Fluor Corporation’s Matt Murphy tells WDIV.

Appointments-Promotions-Retirements Canada Gordie Howe Int'l Bridge Michigan Ontario Windsor-Detroit Bridge Authority


I-40 Bridge Repair Will Continue Well Into Summer

The Commercial Appeal reports, the structurally weakened Hernando de Soto (I-40) Bridge, closed since May 11, will be under repair through July and possibly into August. During an inspection of the bridge last week, USDOT Secretary Pete Buttigieg “emphasized the importance of the bridge, not only to Memphis’ economy but also to the nation’s economy.” The article notes that the region now has just one operating Mississippi River crossing, which has led US Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN 9) and others to call for the construction of another bridge.

Arkansas Arkansas Department of Transportation (ArDOT) Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Maintenance Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Tennessee Tennessee DOT


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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