Daily News Briefs, August 22, 2019

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Newly Installed West Virginia Turnpike Guardrail May Have Saved Truckers' Life

Bluefield Daily Telegraph reports, a tractor-trailer driver trying to avoid a deer crashed on the West Virginia Turnpike (I-77) near Camp Creek yesterday, and state police said there were no injuries “thanks, in part, to new safety measures.” According to a police spokesman, guardrail that had been installed in the median just hours before the accident slowed the truck enough that it didn’t penetrate a shoulder guardrail and stopped before “going over the mountain.” The article notes that the crash destroyed 432 feet of guardrail and 18 posts. (Link inserted.)

Bluefield Daily Telegraph also reports today on a consequence of an August 2018 crash that occurred at nearly the same turnpike location. Negligent homicide charges brought against an Ohio truck driver were recently dismissed, and the truck driver entered a guilty plea to the lesser offenses of reckless driving and operation of a vehicle without required equipment or in an unsafe condition. The accident resulted in death for two West Virginia Turnpike employees and injuries to a third. A prosecutor tells the newspaper there was insufficient evidence to prove a necessary element of negligent homicide.

Crime Beat Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) West Virginia West Virginia Parkways Authority (West Virginia Turnpike)


Caltrans Is Planning an $87 Million Bridge for SoCal Wildlife

CBS News reports, “Hoping to fend off the extinction of mountain lions and other species that require room to roam, transportation officials and conservationists will build a mostly privately funded wildlife crossing over a major Southern California highway [US 101]. It will give big cats, coyotes, deer, lizards, snakes and other creatures a safe route to open space and better access to food and potential mates.” According to the article, the $87 million bridge project is in its final design phase, and Caltrans expects to break ground within two years and complete construction by 2023.

California Caltrans (CA Department of Transportation) Environmental Protection Policies Procedures And Initiatives P3 & Privatization


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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