- MPO Approves TBX after Eight-Hour Meeting
- Bill to Kill I-77 Express Lanes Contract Dies in NC Senate
- CFX Awards $38.6 Million Construction Contract
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MPO Approves TBX after Eight-Hour Meeting
Tampa Bay Times reports, “It was one step forward for Tampa Bay Express, one giant step backward for the opposition. The Hillsborough Metropolitan Planning Organization voted 12 to 4 shortly after 2 a.m. [this morning, June 23] to keep the controversial $6 billion road project known as TBX on track and in its long-term funding plans.” The report adds that while opposition was stiff, “TBX received strong support from the business community, many of whom attended the eight-hour meeting.”
SaintPetersBlog and WTVT News (Tampa) also have early reports.
FloridaBill to Kill I-77 Express Lanes Contract Dies in NC Senate
WFAE News (Charlotte) reports, “A bill calling on NCDOT to cancel a contract to build toll lanes on I-77 north of Charlotte has died in the state Senate,” adding “Senator Jeff Tarte of Cornelius, the bill’s main Senate backer, said leaders have decided not to let it come up for a hearing.”
The Charlotte Observer reports that express lanes opponents are already talking about introducing a bill to break the project contract in the next legislative session.
North CarolinaCFX Awards $38.6 Million Construction Contract
Orlando Sentinel reports that the Central Florida Expressway Authority’s fifth and final Wekiva Parkway construction contract has been awarded to Superior Construction Company Southeast. CFX accepted the Jacksonville-based company’s bid of $38.6 million to build the highway and several bridges between Systems Interchange and Mount Plymouth.