Ohio DOT Promotes Tech Tools For Real-Time Winter Traffic Updates

The department is promoting its website, ohgo.com, where drivers can find real-time traffic updates, hazard alerts, and estimated travel times to specific destinations, WTOV reports. A spokesperson from ODOT’s District 11 also notes that the navigation app Waze, known for disseminating crowdsourced information, is now pulling data from ODOT plow trucks to keep other drivers informed of where and when plowing is occurring.

Already this winter, 13 plow trucks have been struck by vehicles sharing the road — compared to 22 in all of last winter.

WCMH provides more detail about ODOT’s partnership with Waze. “In a short video, the agency explained that most of ODOT’s fleet has been equipped with technology that updates plow locations every five minutes on Waze and waze.com.”