- Washington State Issues RFQ Seeking Support For Toll Customer Service Operations
- Oklahoma Turnpike Board Changes Meeting Format To Enhance Transparency
- US Labor Dep't Makes $80 Million Available For Infrastructure Workforce Training
- These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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Washington State Issues RFQ Seeking Support For Toll Customer Service Operations
Washington State DOT (WSDOT) has issued a request for qualifications (RFQ) directed to “consultants who wish to be evaluated and considered to provide Customer Service Operations Support” in regard to current and future toll facility operations. WSDOT’s Toll Division “is seeking ongoing toll program management and operations support that includes a range of tasks for day-to-day management support for Customer Service Operations.” WSDOT expects that an agreement, if one is ultimately awarded, would have a six-year term valued at approximately $3,830,000, and would include extension options. More information and the RFQ documentation is available online at https://wsdot.wa.gov/business-wsdot/contracting-opportunities/2023-toll-division-customer-service-operations-support.
Customer Service Experience ETC Systems Good To Go! Toll System Procurement of Tolling Equipment & Services Washington State Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)Oklahoma Turnpike Board Changes Meeting Format To Enhance Transparency
The Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA) board has instituted a change in the way it conducts business according to an entry in the agenda of its April 4 board meeting (at PDF page 2). Tim Gatz, OTA executive director and state transportation secretary, made the announcement that, effective immediately, the board won’t hold “separately scheduled” Finance Committee or Engineering and Construction Committee sessions before its regular, plenary meetings “so the public can better witness the discussion and interaction between the Board and OTA’s staff on items presented to the Board for review and possible approval. The OTA staff and consultant presentations and reports will be moved to and become a part of the Regular Meeting. All of the important Board Member questions and discussion related to such matters, which previously occurred during the committee meetings, will now take place during the Regular Meetings. These committee meetings where items were discussed and debated with staff or consultants, but no actual decisions [were] made, were always open to the public.” Gatz indicated that the intent of the format change is to “better serve the citizens of Oklahoma and promote greater transparency in the transaction of OTA business.”
Oklahoma Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) Oklahoma Turnpike Authority (OTA) Public Outreach And CommunicationUS Labor Dep't Makes $80 Million Available For Infrastructure Workforce Training
The US Labor Department yesterday announced it will make $80 million in funding available through its Building Pathways to Infrastructure Jobs Grant Program. According to the department’s Employment and Training Administration, the program’s purpose “is to fund public-private partnerships to develop, implement, and scale worker-centered sector strategy training programs that train and prepare the skilled workforce needed to meet the demands of the sizeable infrastructure investments made through the . . . Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.” Yesterday’s announcement states, “The grants will enable partners in the public and private sectors to develop or scale workforce training programs to prepare job seekers in advanced manufacturing; information technology; and professional, scientific, and technical service occupations that support renewable energy, transportation, and broadband infrastructure sectors. These include occupations in the renewable energy and energy efficiency sectors; broadband and transmission expansion; advanced manufacturing, including biomanufacturing; and electrical, industrial, and civil engineers and technicians who facilitate the design, construction, modernization, and maintenance of the nation’s infrastructure. Nonprofits, labor organizations, public and state institutions of higher education, economic and workforce entities, and state, county and local governments may apply for grants ranging from $500,000 to $5 million” in line with one of two funding tracks. Applications must be submitted electronically no later than July 7, 2023.
Transportation And Infrastructure Workforce Issues US Department of Labor US Gov't Transportation Funding US Infrastructure Funding And Financing InitiativesThese are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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