Daily News Briefs, January 11, 2023

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Research Sheds Light On Why Truckers Park In Unauthorized Areas And Points To Solutions

Transport Topics reports, new research suggests that two primary factors contribute to truckers missing out on safe, open authorized parking spaces: the often incorrect assumption that no parking spaces are available if truckers see other rigs parked in unauthorized areas, and lack of visibility to spot open spaces. Jack Kong, assistant research scientist at the Texas A&M Transportation Institute, presented those findings (see below) made in collaboration with institute colleagues at the Transportation Research Board’s annual meeting this week. Kong believes the research could lead to solutions — including geofencing, parking area redesign and new technology to inform drivers about parking availability — with the potential to improve designated parking area utilization and help ease the nation’s shortage of roadside truck parking spots. Those issues have safety implications because perceived lack of parking may discourage truckers from pulling over for mandated rest breaks.


NHTSA: Traffic Crashes Cost America $340 Billion In 2019

Reuters reports, a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that traffic accidents cost American society $340 billion in 2019. The study report, “The Economic and Societal Impact of Motor Vehicle Crashes, 2019”, calculates the financial cost of one year of crashes that killed approximately 36,500 people, injured 4.5 million and damaged 23 million vehicles. “The crashes directly cost taxpayers $30 billion, and society as a whole $340 billion, the NHTSA found. When quality-of-life valuations were included, the total cost to society ran to $1.37 trillion — equivalent to 1.6% of U.S. economic output.” The societal costs have jumped by nearly $100 million since 2010, the last time NHTSA studied such impacts. Traffic accidents and related deaths have increased sharply in recent years. In the report, Ann Carlson, NHTSA’s Acting Administrator, calls for wide-scale adoption of the “safe system approach” from DOT’s National Roadway Safety Strategy to improve both safety and post-crash care.

Economic & Social Considerations Affecting Transportation Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Transportation and Infrastructure Research & Development US Department of Transportation (USDOT)


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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