- Bond Refunding Cuts TCA Debt Service Payments By $139 Million
- Cuomo Bridge Toll Rates Will Increase January 1
- Commentary: "How Equity Isn’t Built Into The Infrastructure Bill -- And Ways To Fix It"
- These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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Bond Refunding Cuts TCA Debt Service Payments By $139 Million
The Transportation Corridor Agencies announced that its San Joaquin Hills agency executed a refunding of $1.05 billion of its Series 2014A bonds, “resulting in a reduction in debt service payments of $138.7 million, net of all transaction costs. The move will not extend bond maturity dates and further strengthens the Agency’s cash position while creating additional flexibility to pay down other bonds early or invest in key capital projects.”
California Company and Agency Financial Issues And Reports Transportation Corridor Agencies (CA)Cuomo Bridge Toll Rates Will Increase January 1
The New York Thruway Authority reminds motorists that “the second phase of a [passenger and commercial vehicle] toll adjustment on the Governor Mario M. Cuomo Bridge is set to take effect on Saturday, Jan. 1, 2022. Toll rates on the rest of the Thruway system remain the same as 2021. There is no impact to E-ZPass and Tolls by Mail customers outside of the Gov. Mario M. Cuomo Bridge.” The increase will not affect more than 250,000 residents of Rockland and Westchester counties who were automatically enrolled in a special discount program last year. The 2022 Cuomo Bridge rate increase was part of a broader rate adjustment plan adopted by thruway board in December 2020.
Governor Mario Cuomo Bridge (Tappan Zee Replacement Bridge) New York New York State Thruway Authority Toll Rate ChangesCommentary: "How Equity Isn’t Built Into The Infrastructure Bill -- And Ways To Fix It"
A Brookings Institution blog post suggests that the IIJA does not “cement racial equity into our built environment” or prevent the unequal impacts that marred past federal initiatives such as the interstate highway program. The authors “examine seven ways in which equity is not prioritized in the IIJA, and how these potholes could be avoided as program rules and project selections roll out over the next five years.” The thrust of their recommendations is that the federal government needs to exert more control over how states choose and prioritize projects that rely on IIJA funding.
Environmental Protection Policies Procedures And Initiatives US Gov't Transportation Funding US Infrastructure Funding And Financing InitiativesThese are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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