Daily News Briefs, June 1, 2021

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Boston Traffic Is Nearing 2019 Levels, Which Has Some Experts Worried

Boston Herald reports, “Traffic that plummeted last year as workers were sent home and businesses closed is creeping back onto Boston streets. . . . Traffic congestion has nearly returned to 2019 levels as of this week around Boston, state Department of Transportation Highway Division data shows.” Transportation experts and transit advocates are warning that without decisive action by the Baker administration, the “soul-crushing traffic” from which Bostonians got a brief COVID-19-induced respite will soon return. The head of one organization, the LivableStreets Alliance, maintains authorities should be looking into variable pricing of managed lanes as one immediate response to the traffic crunch.

Boston Metro Area Express Lanes Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Massachusetts Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Massachusetts Turnpike


RITBA Launches Study Into Excessive Speeding

The Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority announced it is conducting a “speed study” on the Newport Pell and Jamestown Verrazzano Bridges. “RITBA will utilize field devices to analyze traffic speed data collected at different times of the day and night. RITBA is also posting new signage reminding motorists of the speed limit [on the two bridges] and has enlisted the help of
both state and municipal law enforcement agencies in stepping up enforcement.” According to RITBA’s news release, the study was triggered by reports of excessive speeding and an increase in traffic noise. Colonel James Manni, Superintendent of the Rhode Island State Police, said, once the study is complete and the results are released on July 31, his agency “will collaborate on an awareness and enforcement effort.”

Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Rhode Island Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority (RITBA)


Kansas Turnpike Kicks Off Another Series Of Bridge Raisings

The Kansas Turnpike Authority (KTA) announced the start of a two-year project to increase the vertical clearance of 11 bridges crossing over I-35 and I-335 in Chase, Lyon and Osage counties. (The first span to be raised is located at mile marker 114.6 on I-35.) “The project is the fourth round of bridge liftings to take place on the Kansas Turnpike. Construction at each bridge location will take approximately two months to complete, with work occurring at two or more locations at the same time.” (An online KTA video describes the bridge raising program.)

Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Maintenance Kansas Kansas Turnpike Authority (KTA)


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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