- ETC Wins Contract To Upgrade Colorado's Tolling System
- LA Metro Announces Public Workshops Exploring Its Congestion Pricing Study
- These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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ETC Wins Contract To Upgrade Colorado's Tolling System
ITSInternational.com reports, Electronic Transaction Consultants (ETC) won a five-year contract with the High Performance Transportation Enterprise (HPTE) to upgrade Colorado’s roadside toll collection system. According to the article, “ETC will use subsystems from its [riteSuite™] tolling and mobility range, and insists its system architecture will maximise the use of open-source technology, enabling HPTE to re-use existing infrastructure.” ITS adds that “the deal includes trip building, dynamic pricing plans, enhanced vehicle detection, wrong-way detection and a hotlist for law enforcement purposes, plus an upgraded digital video audit system.”
Electronic Transaction Consultants (ETC) issued a news release on the contract and its solutions, which commenced in June.
Colorado Colorado Department of Transportation Electronic Transaction Consultants (ETC) (formerly ETCC) ETC Systems Intelligent Transportation Systems Procurement of Tolling Equipment & ServicesLA Metro Announces Public Workshops Exploring Its Congestion Pricing Study
Spectrum News 1 reports, LA Metro has given its Congestion Pricing Feasibility Study a new name — Traffic Reduction Study — and announced a schedule of virtual workshops to “publicly introduce and explain congestion pricing, describe Metro’s equity-focused study methodology and present next steps in the study process for future public input.” According to Spectrum News, “the study is an experiment to explore the feasibility of three types of congestion pricing:” corridor lane pricing, vehicle miles traveled charging, and cordon pricing. The article notes that LA Metro sees traffic volume returning to a pre-epidemic level already and expects “congestion will not only return to the nightmare it was before but will be even worse in the months and years ahead as the economy recovers.”
LA Metro’s “The Source” blog recently featured an article by the agency’s chief innovation officer, Joshua Schank, who explained the need for the Traffic Reduction Study and basic congestion pricing concepts.
California Congestion Pricing Express Lanes Los Angeles (CA) Metro Region Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro) Transportation and Infrastructure Research & DevelopmentThese are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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