- Mobility's Broad Influence On Metro Austin
- State Gas Taxes Rise As Travel, Gasoline Demand And Revenues Fall
- Tesla Aims To Boost Production With Low-Cost Model Powered By Cheaper Battery
- These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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Mobility's Broad Influence On Metro Austin
Austin Business Journal publishes a sponsored article in which Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA) chair Bobby Jenkins writes, “Mobility is one of the most fundamental and important functions in our society. . . . Irrespective of its [immediate aim, moving people and goods], mobility holds a much broader role in shaping our region. The interrelation between transportation investment and economic development, social equity, and the environment can’t be understated. . . . {CTRMA] understands and incorporates these dynamics in every project and initiative.”
Austin (TX) Metro Area Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority (CTRMA) Environmental Protection Policies Procedures And Initiatives TexasState Gas Taxes Rise As Travel, Gasoline Demand And Revenues Fall
USA Today looks at recent increases in state gas taxes brought on by the drop in transportation revenue. “As Americans drive less during the pandemic due partly to social distancing and remote work arrangements, gasoline demand has fallen. That’s one key factor triggering the tax increases as lawmakers seek to limit the impact of lower revenue on road repair budgets. Supporters say the increases, most of which were triggered automatically due to existing laws, are necessary to keep transportation infrastructure in good shape.” The article notes that “[g]asoline demand is currently about 15% lower than usual.”
Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts)Tesla Aims To Boost Production With Low-Cost Model Powered By Cheaper Battery
The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) reports, Elon Musk said yesterday that Tesla is targeting “eventual annual production” of 20 million electric cars, including a $25,000 model that would run on lower-cost batteries. “The ambitious production figure, given at a presentation to investors . . . , came without a precise timeline or budget. . . . Musk said it could take three years to fully see the large battery cost reductions that he detailed.”
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Tesla Inc.These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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