“One year after the completion of the I-405 Improvement Project, drivers are experiencing easier and quicker commutes along one of the most heavily traveled stretches of highway in the nation,” according to New Santa Ana. The Orange County (California) Transportation Authority led the $2.1 billion project in partnership with Caltrans. The project created one new general-purpose lane in each direction and two new express lanes in each direction along a 16-mile stretch between Costa Mesa, in Orange County, and the Los Angeles County line. (TRN inserted links in quoted text.)
“Travel times have been reduced by up to 12 minutes during the northbound weekday evening rush hour between SR-73 and I-605,” the article states. “Drivers traveling northbound in the 405 Express Lanes can save more than 20 minutes during weekday evening peak hours compared to using the carpool lanes that existed prior to the project’s construction in 2018.” And driving the full length of the express lanes is reportedly a reliable 15 -minutes trip.
As little as two weeks after the December 1, 2023, opening of 405 Express, The Orange County Register reported that the facility was benefitting all drivers, not just toll payers.