Yesterday, residents of Grosse Ile Township, Michigan, voted overwhelmingly to approve a public purchase of the Grosse Ile Toll Bridge, The Detroit News reports (scroll down to “Grosse Ile Toll Bridge Purchase Wins”). A local referendum approved a $59 million bond measure that will be funded through increased property taxes. “The township seeks ownership so that it has control of [one of the island’s two surface routes to the mainland.]”
Although details of the bridge’s operations remain guarded by a non-disclosure agreement, 73 percent of voters favored the acquisition. Access to the mainland has become a worrisome issue for residents because the one other crossing, a non-tolled, county-owned bridge, has major structural problems and a history of extended maintenance closures. The township government intends to upgrade the toll span so it can accommodate vehicles weighing more than 7.5 tons. It also intends to continue toll collection.