AASHTO Announces Annual Award Recipients

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) wraps up its 2024 annual meeting in Philadelphia today. During yesterday’s program, it announced the recipients of individual and team recognition awards, and the final results of the 2024 America’s Transportation Awards competition.

An association news release lists 10 individuals and transportation programs given special recognition for their contributions to the industry. The honorees included former Louisiana DOTD secretary and AASHTO president Dr. Shawn Wilson, recipient of the George S. Bartlett Award for exceptional leadership; North Carolina DOT Secretary Joey Hopkins, who received the Thomas H. MacDonald Memorial Award; and Teri Soos, the Maryland State Highway Administration’s deputy chief operations, honored with the Alfred E. Johnson Achievement Award.

A separate news release announced the top honorees in the America’s Transportation Awards contest. PennDOT received the Grand Prize for the I-95-Cottman Avenue Emergency Response Project that swiftly repaired and reopened “a key national north-south highway corridor” after it was badly damaged in a 2023 commercial truck crash and fire. West Virginia DOT won the competition’s People’s Choice Award for its Wellsburg Bridge Project, which reconnected two communities after a river ferry service was ceased operation.