Daily News Briefs, September 27, 2019

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MDTA Schedules October Start Dates for Bridge AET Conversions

The Maryland Transportation Authority yesterday announced that cashless toll collection will begin October 16 on the Hatem (US 40) Bridge, and October 30 on Baltimore’s Key (I-695) Bridge. The announcement includes information about toll rates and policies.

Cecil Whig reports on the MDTA’s “push” to get drivers ready for the Hatem Bridge’s conversion. The authority’s E-ZPass Maryland Outreach Team has reportedly scheduled events on October 1 and October 9 to help local motorists sign up for “either the Hatem only, or a full service E-ZPass account.” The article adds that MDTA has finished its series of public hearings “to get comment on its toll modernization plans,” and a final report is being prepared for submission to the authority board on October 31, after which it will be available for public comment.

AET (All-Electronic Tolling) E-ZPass Maryland Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA)


What Bostonians Are Thinking about Express Lanes

WFXT News in Boston reports on tolled express lanes, which are getting more attention in Massachusetts after Governor Charlie Baker called for further study of their potential to alleviate the state’s urban congestion problem. The station talks with Transurban’s Mike McGurk about that company’s northern Virginia operations and gathers some local reaction to the concept of paying for a faster, more predictable commute.

Boston Metro Area Massachusetts Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) Transurban


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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