Daily News Briefs, September 23, 2019

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Mobile MPO's Are Likely to Relegate I-10 Corridor Project to "Visionary" Status

AL.com reports, “The $2.1 billion plan for the Interstate 10 Mobile River Bridge and Bayway project that would have included a controversial toll will be officially removed from a critical short-term planning document on Wednesday. Any expansion will then become a ‘vision’ for, perhaps, a new generation to tackle.” The article notes that greater Mobile’s two metropolitan planning organizations are likely to keep a version of the project in their next long-term plans because members still recognize the need for I-10 corridor improvements.

Alabama Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT)


"Fast Company" Spotlights NPO's Analysis of NYC Congestion Pricing

“Fast Company” looks at the New York City Regional Plan Association’s new report, “Congestion Pricing in NYC: Getting It Right,” which analyzes the potential structures for a Manhattan congestion toll and their likely impacts on driver behavior.

Congestion Pricing Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) New York New York City


Columnist Criticizes Limits Imposed on Work of M-CORES Task Forces

The Ledger’s columnist Tom Palmer comments, “The more I read about the early work of the [M-CORES] task forces established by the Florida Legislature to study three new toll roads, the more I wonder what exactly their roles are. I expect some of the task force members are asking themselves the same thing.” He notes, “This is the first study process for a new road I have ever witnessed that doesn’t include the ‘no build’ alternative. Instead, this one involves some consensus report that will make it the least bad of any of the other alternatives. No minority report is expected.” Palmer urges Floridians to rally behind environmental groups opposed to the project review process.

Florida Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Florida DOT M-CORES Program Florida's Turnpike Enterprise (FTE)


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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