Daily News Briefs, September 15, 2021

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New Maine Toll Plaza Is Open To Traffic

WABI reports, the Maine Turnpike’s new York toll plaza, open-road tol lanes included, opened on schedule early this morning.

ETC Systems Maine Maine Turnpike Authority Open-Road Tolling


Lake Pontchartrain Causeway Toll Collection Resumes

NOLA.com reports, the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway’s 16-day-long toll spension ended this morning. The causeway commission waived collection to help people returning to areas affected by Hurricane Ida.

Lake Pontchartrain Causeway (Metro New Orleans) Louisiana


Pennsylvania "Safety Stand-Down" Is A Response To Recent Work Zone Incidents

The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission, in partnership with PennDOT and highway contractors, organized a safety stand-down today with the aim of preventing jobsite accidents. “The event which has been dubbed ‘Safer Together’ will call upon both the transportation construction industry and the motoring public to focus on work zone safety.” Workers are being asked “to dedicate 30 minutes of their day to focus on work zone safety through various activities such as safety talks, traffic control plan reviews, or utilizing one of the many resources provided on the event webpage. Workers are also encouraged to take a web-based training course on Temporary Traffic Control Safety offered by PennDOT.” For their part, drivers are being reminded to slow down in work zones, observe posted speed limits, and “put down the phone while driving.” The PTC announcement notes that there has been an increase in work zone incidents in Pennsylvania in recent months.

Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Maintenance Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC) Public Outreach And Communication


For This Operating Engineers Local, Politics Is An Exercise In Keeping Members Employed

“Governing” profiles New Jersey’s Operating Engineers Local 825 and its veteran business manager, Greg Lalevee. Local 825 honors an “increasingly tenuous tradition in the building trades union movement” by avoiding entanglement in ideological politics and supporting candidates, regardless of party, who work to keep union members busy.

New Jersey New York US Infrastructure Funding And Financing Initiatives


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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