- Conduent Has Job Openings In California
- New Hope For Progress On Federal Infrastructure Legislation
- US Senate Committee Unanimously Approves Highway Funding Reauthorization Bill
- 407 ETR Celebrates A Couple's "Amazing" Roadside Birthing Experience
- These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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Conduent Has Job Openings In California
Conduent is seeking applicants for several jobs:
- Customer Experience Supervisor-Onsite at its Bakersfield, California, call center (no. 2021-40825)
- Customer Experience Manager-Onsite at its Bakersfield, California, call center (no. 2021-40823 )
- Technical Support Service Technician, San Francisco, California (no. 2021-39351)
- Business Operations Analyst II, San Francisco, California (no. 2021-40774)
- Accounting Manager, San Francisco, California (no. 2021-40245)
Click on the foregoing links to access job description and requirements information, and to apply.
California ConduentNew Hope For Progress On Federal Infrastructure Legislation
The Hill reports, “Senate Republicans [today] unveiled a $928 billion infrastructure proposal that includes $506 billion for roads, bridges and major projects and $98 billion for public transit systems. The latest offer is substantially more than the $568 billion infrastructure framework the group led by Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) introduced in April, but it’s still far short of the $1.7 trillion counteroffer that White House officials came back with last week.”
The Hill also reports that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) told reporters his caucus is open to further negotiations with the White House, and the proposal announced by Capito is not a final offer. President Biden’s press secretary, Jen Psaki, called the new Republican proposal “constructive” and “signaled bipartisan talks would continue into next week as President Biden pressed for swift action.”
Infrastructure Investment Trends US Gov't Transportation Funding US Infrastructure Funding And Financing InitiativesUS Senate Committee Unanimously Approves Highway Funding Reauthorization Bill
The US Senate Environment and Public Works Committee announced the unanimous committee passage yesterday of the Surface Transportation Reauthorization Act (STRA) of 2021. The committee’s ranking minority member, West Virginia Senator Shelley Moore Capito, applauded the bipartisan effort that produced the bill and said, it “takes meaningful steps to repair our country’s crumbling roads and bridges, creates jobs, simplifies the permitting process, and expands the climate title. The bill is flexible to states’ unique needs and responsive to the urgent need for investment.” The full text of the bill, a summary and tables for apportionments and authorizations are online.
The American Road & Transportation Builders Association issued a comment through its chief executive, Dave Bauer, who stated, “The EPW Committee action sends an undeniable message to all that bipartisan progress is still achievable. We urge the remaining Senate committees with jurisdiction over surface transportation programs to find similar common ground and complete action on their respective portions of a reauthorization bill as soon as possible to ensure a final measure is in place before the current short-term extension expires September 30.”
American Road & Transportation Builders Assoc. (ARTBA) US Department of Transportation (USDOT) US Gov't Transportation Funding US Highway Trust Fund407 ETR Celebrates A Couple's "Amazing" Roadside Birthing Experience
Toronto Sun reports, an Ontario couple headed to the hospital didn’t quite make it in time for the birth of their child, a girl whom they successfully delivered while parked on the shoulder of 407 ETR. The tollway’s operator celebrated the event by giving the parents a gift certificate for car seats and a year of toll-free travel.
407 ETR Concession Canada OntarioThese are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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