Daily News Briefs, March 29, 2023

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Survey Indicates Remote Work Has Diminished Vehicle Miles Traveled In Maryland

Maryland Today (a University of Maryland publication) reports, “While most Marylanders continue to work remotely post-pandemic, those who brave the daily commute are overwhelmingly behind the wheel — even when the office is less than a mile away,” according to the results of the 2022 Maryland Commuter Survey of 651 adult workers conducted by the university’s National Center for Smart Growth for Maryland DOT. Survey data indicates that remote and hybrid employment “have made a significant dent in the state’s total vehicle miles traveled, . . . with a small caveat: Although hybrid workers go into the office less often, they tend to live farther from their jobs, meaning they still spend more time on the road, compared to in-person workers. . . .” The center’s report (at page 2) suggests, “If high rates of remote work continue as a ‘new normal,’ roadway congestion may be somewhat alleviated but revenues from tolls and fareboxes could diminish substantially. Changing commuting patterns may also affect other aspects of the transportation system, such as the modes used for non-work activities.” It’s estimated that statewide vehicle miles traveled might increase by 19 percent if remote work practices discontinued.

ETC Systems Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Maryland Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Transit and Toll Roads Transportation and Infrastructure Research & Development


Ohio Turnpike Announces Construction Season Start And Requests Driver Caution

The Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission (OTIC) issued a detailed, county-by-county breakdown of the $226 million in capital improvement projects scheduled this year. “The major roadway construction projects . . . include pavement replacement and resurfacing, bridge renovations, and modernizing the toll collection system.”

In the project news release and a Sandusky Register op-ed, OTIC is urging motorists to drive cautiously when they encounter highway construction work sites. According to commission executive director Ferzan Ahmed, “Work zone-related crashes caused by dangerous driving behaviors can be reduced if motorists follow these safety tips: obey the posted speed limit, establish a safe following distance, avoid distractions, pay attention to the signs, and be prepared to slow down or stop.” Ahmed adds, to promote observance of Ohio’s Move Over Law, OTIC “has installed permanent roadway signs, ‘Move Over Slow Down for All Vehicles with Flashing Lights,’ on the ramps [at all service plazas].”

Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Maintenance Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Ohio Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure Commission


Photo Essay: A Central Florida Highway Landmark Will Soon Disappear

Miami Herald reports, a new service station will be a welcome addition for eastbound travelers stopping in Yeehaw Junction — formerly known as Jackass Junction, named “for the donkeys that once crossed the road.” Yeehaw Junction marks the spot where Florida’s Turnpike meets State Road 60, which connects the Gulf and Atlantic coasts. But the iconic Desert Inn that’s dominated this historic crossroad since the 1800s will soon be erased from the landscape. The business closed in 2018, and a year later was “pummeled” in a truck crash. In an engaging photo essay compiled from the newspaper’s archive, Miami Herald memorializes an iconic part of “Old Florida” that is giving way to a new, more sanitized waypoint.

Florida Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Florida's Turnpike Enterprise (FTE) Service Plazas


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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