- Op-Ed: Taxpayers Will Suffer Because Connecticut Failed to Adopt Truck Tolls
- PA Turnpike Seeks Summer Employment Applications
- These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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Op-Ed: Taxpayers Will Suffer Because Connecticut Failed to Adopt Truck Tolls
The Ridgefield Press publishes a local Democratic Party op-ed column that addresses the consequences of the state legislature’s failure to approve truck tolls. “Every Connecticut resident should be disappointed by the decision to not move forward with trucks-only tolls. . . . Why? Because now we will foot the entire bill for restoring our roads and bridges to a state of good repair. We’ll pay all the interest on our transportation infrastructure debt at rates higher than those we’d have paid by using toll revenue (40%-50% from out-of-state trucks) to qualify for federal TIFIA and RRIF loans. . . .”
Connecticut Connecticut Department of Transportation (CDOT)PA Turnpike Seeks Summer Employment Applications
Franklin County Free Press reports, “The Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission is accepting applications for its summer employment program. Available positions include toll collector, maintenance, clerical, engineering and information technology. All eligible applicants must be at least 18 years of age and completed a secondary education program such as high school or GED at the time of hiring. Applicants will also be subject to a Pennsylvania criminal background check screening.”
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission (PTC)These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.
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