Daily News Briefs, March 10, 2025

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Corps Of Engineers Grants Permit For Francis Scott Key Bridge Replacement

The US Army Corps of Engineers Baltimore District (USCACE) announced last week that it granted the Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) a permit to build the replacement bridge reconnecting I-695 over the Patapsco River, WTOP reports. The permit for the approximately $2 billion project was issued prior to first anniversary of the Francis Scott Key Bridge’s March 26, 2024, collapse.

Baltimore District Commander Colonel Francis Pera said, “To have both removed the bridge wreckage and issued relevant permits for its reconstruction on this timetable is a testament to our dedicated regulatory branch and our commitment to support an energetic economy across the Mid-Atlantic.”

Although some geotechnical investigations and demolition work remain, construction is expected to start this summer. The new bridge is targeted for completion by 2028.

The Baltimore Sun also covers this story.

Environmental Protection Policies Procedures And Initiatives Francis Scott Key Toll Bridge Collapse and Replacement Maryland Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Maryland Transportation Authority (MDTA) US Army Corps of Engineers


MTA Congestion Pricing Has Gained More Acceptance According To New Poll

Bloomberg (via Yahoo! Finance) sums up two surveys gauging sentiment about Manhattan’s newly implemented congestion pricing program. Results of a Siena College poll released today show that statewide, opposition to the program has declined from 51 percent to 40 percent since December, while support is up slightly from 29 percent to 33 percent. Within New York City, resident support (42 percent) now outweighs opposition (35 percent).

“Still, a Quinnipiac University poll released Wednesday [March 5] showed 54% of New York City residents oppose congestion pricing while 41% support it. At the same time, 49% disapprove of President Donald Trump trying to end the toll compared with 45% who approve his actions, the poll found.” (TRN inserted a link in quoted text.)

AET (All-Electronic Tolling) Congestion Pricing Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) New York New York City


Another Wrong-Way Collision Claims A Life In Houston 

Authorities in Harris County, Texas, say a 26-year-old woman was intoxicated when she traveled the wrong way on inbound lanes of the Hardy Toll Road near the Sam Houston Tollway early Saturday morning, KHOU reports. She and the driver of the vehicle she hit were both treated at a nearby hospital, where the other driver later died. The wrong-way driver has been charged with manslaughter. The toll road is a Harris County Toll Road Authority (HCTRA) facility.

The article recaps efforts to deal with a recent spate of wrong-way collisions — many of which were related to impaired driving — on metro Houston roadways. TxDOT public information officer Danny Perez describes the department’s prevention strategy as “the three Es:” engineering, enforcement, and education.

Harris County Toll Road Authority (HCTRA) Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Safety (Includes COVID-19 Impacts) Houston Metro Area Texas Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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