Daily News Briefs, June 14, 2024

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MTA Police And Partners Continue Crackdown On Scofflaws And "Ghost Cars"

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) announced the results of the three more enforcement operations — the sixteenth, seventeenth and eighteenth this year — conducted by the interagency task force created to apprehend persistent toll violators and clear New York streets of “ghost cars.” On Thursday, May 30, officers conducted morning and afternoon enforcement operations at the Robert F. Kennedy, Willis and Third Avenue Bridges. Their efforts resulted in 21 arrests, the seizure of 149 vehicles, and the issuance of 1,104 summonses. The following Friday, June 7, a Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge operation produced eight arrests, 54 vehicle seizures and the issuance of 386 summonses. Vehicles were seized for a variety of offenses including failure to pay tolls. The 18 enforcement operations conducted so far this year have resulted in 1,074 seizures, 226 arrests and the issuance of more than 8,100 summonses.

MTA’s news release includes links to photos and videos of the latest enforcement actions.

AET (All-Electronic Tolling) Crime Beat ETC Systems Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) New York New York City Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) Scofflaws


Alabama DOT Prepares To Demolish Beach Express Bridge's Obsolete Toll Plaza

Alabama DOT announced the schedule for the demolition of the toll plaza at the Beach Express Bridge in Baldwin County. (ALDOT recently purchased the span and eliminated toll collection.) The state’s contractor, McInnis Construction of Summerdale, Alabama, will begin by demolishing the obsolete tollbooths and patching the roadway between Sunday night, June 16, and the following day. One travel lane in each direction will remain open during tollbooth removal. Between Tuesday night, June 18, and the following day, McInnis will set up a detour and remove the plaza canopy to the roadside for eventual demolition. Further roadway resurfacing will be scheduled later. ALDOT stated the demolition work “is part of a broader effort to enhance traffic flow and safety in the area.”

WKRG reports on the demolition project.

Alabama Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) Baldwin County AL Beach Express (Baldwin County (AL) Bridge Co.) ETC Systems Highway-Tunnel-Bridge Maintenance


Kansas Turnpike Uses "Pop-Up" Events To Spread Information About ETC Conversion

WIBW reports, the Kansas Turnpike Authority (KTA) is hosting  “pop-up events” across the state as one of several ways to help customers transition to all-electronic toll collection, which KTA will initiate on July 1. The events are also an opportunity to familiarize motorists with the benefits of opening a KTAG account. Upcoming Topeka events will take place at a public library, Evergy Plaza (a downtown event space) and a Blue Cross-Blue Shield office. KTA has already hosted events in metro Kansas City, Salina and Wichita, and at KTA service plazas.

KTA recently received editorial praise for its various efforts to prepare customers for cashless tolling.

AET (All-Electronic Tolling) ETC Systems Kansas Kansas Turnpike Authority (KTA) Public Outreach And Communication


These are just some of the toll industry developments TRN is following.

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